1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Realistic neutron stars from holography

1 Aug 2022, 14:40
AR Ø-130 (UiS)

AR Ø-130


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics Parallels Track F


Nicolas Kovensky (IPhT - CEA - Paris, Saclay.)


I will discuss the recent description of realistic neutron stars using a model derived from holography in [2111.03374,2112.10633]. After a brief review of beta-equilibrated isospin-asymmetric dense holographic baryonic matter within the Sakai-Sugimoto model, I will discuss how the resulting equation of state is used for constructing the full compact star within a single framework with only two free parameters. This includes both the core and (a simplified version of) the crust, so that the location of the crust-core transition can be computed fully dynamically. Within a physically reasonable window of the parameters space, the resulting stars have radii, masses and tidal deformabilities that satisfy all known astrophysical constraints. Moreover, by combining our theoretical results with the latest astrophysical data, we are able to derive more stringent constraints than given by the data alone. For instance, our calculation predicts -- independent of the model parameters -- an upper limit for the maximal mass of the star of about 2.46 solar masses and a lower limit of the (dimensionless) tidal deformability of a 1.4-solar-mass star of about 277.

Primary author

Nicolas Kovensky (IPhT - CEA - Paris, Saclay.)


Aaron Poole (University of Southampton) Andreas Schmitt (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials