1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Reducing the Sign Problem using Line Integrals

2 Aug 2022, 18:40
KE building - Tjodhallen hall (UiS)

KE building - Tjodhallen hall


Poster G: Strongly Coupled Theories Poster Session


Rasmus Larsen


We present a novel strategy to strongly reduce the severity of the sign problem, using line integrals along paths of changing imaginary action. Highly oscillating regions along these paths cancel out, decreasing their contributions. As a result, sampling with standard Monte-Carlo techniques becomes possible in cases which otherwise requires methods taking advantage of complex analysis, such as Lefschetz-thimbles or Complex Langevin. We lay out how to write down an ordinary differential equation for the line integrals. As an example of its usage, we apply the results to a 1d quantum mechanical anharmonic oscillator with a $x^4$ potential in real time, finite temperature.

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