1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Colliding poles with colliding nuclei

2 Aug 2022, 16:00
Room A&D II

Room A&D II

Parallel Talk D: Deconfinement Parallels Track D


Alexander Soloviev (TU Wien)


Comparing the complex structure of the models of the quark gluon plasma is a useful way to better discern the physics following a heavy ion collision, in particular in the vicinity of a phase transition. In this talk, I will focus on quasinormal modes and the collisions of poles in the complex plane, first by using the chiral phase transition as an illustrative example (2005.02885,2101.10847,2111.03640). Then, recognizing the interplay between weak and strong coupling sectors in a typical collision, I will introduce a hybrid model with a weakly broken symmetry (2108.02788) which has a rich quasi-hydrodynamic phenomenological description where hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic poles are unified by a common dispersion relation. I will show that energy transfer occurs initially from the soft to the hard sector before irreversibly transferring back to the soft sector at late times, and that the model reproduces many features common to dissipative systems with a weakly broken symmetry including the k-gap.

Primary authors

Alexander Soloviev (TU Wien) Anton Rebhan (Vienna University of Technology) Prof. Ayan Mukhopadhyay (IIT Madras) Sukrut Mondkar (IIT Madras)

Presentation materials