1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Two glueball scattering and the glueballonium

1 Aug 2022, 16:25
AR G-001 (UiS)

AR G-001


Basement floor of the AR building
Poster B: Light quarks Parallels Track B


Enrico Trotti (University Jan Kochanowski Kielce)


We investigated the two scalar glueball
scattering and the possible emergence of a bound state,
that we call glueballonium. The scalar glueball, the lightest particle of the
YM sector of QCD, has a lattice predicted mass of about
$m_{G}\simeq1.7$ GeV. We performed this study in the context of a
widely used dilaton potential, that depends on a single dimensionful parameter $\Lambda_G$. The unitarization considered by us allowed us to predict the lowest partial waves in the elastic window. Furthermore, we
also show that a glueballonium forms if $\Lambda_{G}$ is small enough. In particular, for
$\Lambda_{G}$ compatible with the expectations from the gluon condensate, the glueballonium has a mass of about $3.4$ GeV.

Primary author

Enrico Trotti (University Jan Kochanowski Kielce)


Alessandro Pilloni (ECT*) Francesco Giacosa (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce)

Presentation materials