1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Femtoscopy of the J/psi-nucleon interaction

4 Aug 2022, 16:20
AR Ø-110 (UiS)

AR Ø-110


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk C: Heavy quarks Parallels Track C


Prof. Gastao Krein (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, UNESP)


I will discuss the prospects of using femtoscopy in high-energy proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions to learn about the low-energy J/psi-nucleon interaction. Femtoscopy is a technique that makes it possible to obtain spatio-temporal information on particle production sources at the femtometer scale through measurements of two-hadron momentum correlation functions. These correlation functions also provide information on low-energy hadron-hadron forces as final-state effects. In particular, such correlation functions give access to the forward scattering amplitude. One can express the forward amplitude as the product of the J/psi chromopolarizability and the nucleon's average chromoelectric gluon distribution, the latter being relevant to the problem of the origin of the nucleon mass. I will present the results of a recent study using the information on the J/psi-nucleon interaction from lattice QCD simulations to compute J/psi-nucleon correlation functions. The calculated correlation functions show clear sensitivity to the final-state interaction.

Primary author

Prof. Gastao Krein (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, UNESP)

Presentation materials