1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Testing the multiplicity limit on the collective flow measurements in small system

2 Aug 2022, 19:20
KE building - Tjodhallen hall (UiS)

KE building - Tjodhallen hall


Poster D: Deconfinement Poster Session


Anna Önnerstad (University of Jyväskylä)


When colliding heavy ions, like Pb-Pb at the LHC, it is known that long-range
correlations is a collective flow effect of the quark gluon plasma produced in the
collision. Similar effects have also been observed in smaller collision systems such as
p-Pb and pp at the LHC. The origin of these long-range correlations in small systems,
and whether it is the same as in large collision systems, are still not well understood.
The non-flow effects, such as jets, get larger in small systems and make the
measurements difficult. Hence the goal is to examine the methods where the non-flow
effects are properly subtracted: the enhanced away-side jet yields in high-multiplicity
with respect to low-multiplicity events. At the same time,
different experiments use different kinematic cuts for both multiplicity and interested particles, which make
comparison between experiments difficult, even though the same method is used.
In this poster, we will present the current status of the method and verification,
and show some of the obtained measurements. In addition, we address how the above
mentioned kinematic cuts might affect the interpretation of the results.

Primary author

Anna Önnerstad (University of Jyväskylä)

Presentation materials