1–6 Aug 2022
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Preliminary Lattice QCD Study of $nn \to ppee$ Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay

5 Aug 2022, 15:40
AR G-101 (UiS)

AR G-101


On the ground floor of the AR building
Parallel Talk E: QCD and New Physics Parallels Track E


Anthony Grebe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))


Experimental searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay aim to determine whether the neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana fermions. Interpreting double-beta half-lives or experimental exclusions in terms of neutrino physics requires knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements, which are currently estimated from various nuclear models and carry a large model uncertainty. This talk will present preliminary results from a first-principles lattice QCD calculation of the short-distance (from a heavy intermediate Majorana neutrino) and long-distance (from a light Majorana neutrino) nuclear matrix elements for the simple nn → ppee transition at an artificially heavy quark mass, where the dineutron is a bound nucleus. Such results can provide input for nuclear EFTs that can be extrapolated to nuclei of interest to reduce model uncertainties.

Primary author

Anthony Grebe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))

Presentation materials